Try not to look over the top of bunkers!
Sounds a little strange, right? Here’s the deal… while on the field, you want to give your opponents as small of a target as possible.
That makes looking over the top of a bunker pretty problematic. Either you’re just poking your head up without your gun (which makes you nothing more than a target) OR you’re poking your entire upper body over that bunker so your gun is ready.
Either way you’re giving a pretty big target!
(Even when just poking your head over the top, you’re entire top of head, forehead, and eyeballs are sticking out!)
Instead, peak over the side of bunkers, with your gun drawn and ready. Your gun can peak out first, making sure you are always ready to shoot, and you can make sure the target you provide for your opponents is much smaller (You still need to see, so that you’re not cheating, but there is a lot less of a target to the side of your eyes then there is above them).
This strategic approach not only minimizes your exposure but also maintains your offensive capability. By keeping your body behind cover while allowing just your gun to lead the way, you become a harder target for opponents to hit. Remember, in the game of paintball, the less your adversaries see of you, the better. So, next time you're crouched behind a bunker, opt for the side-peek maneuver and reduce your chances of getting smacked in the goggles by your opponents!
Sounds a little strange, right? Here’s the deal… while on the field, you want to give your opponents as small of a target as possible.
That makes looking over the top of a bunker pretty problematic. Either you’re just poking your head up without your gun (which makes you nothing more than a target) OR you’re poking your entire upper body over that bunker so your gun is ready.
Either way you’re giving a pretty big target!
(Even when just poking your head over the top, you’re entire top of head, forehead, and eyeballs are sticking out!)
Instead, peak over the side of bunkers, with your gun drawn and ready. Your gun can peak out first, making sure you are always ready to shoot, and you can make sure the target you provide for your opponents is much smaller (You still need to see, so that you’re not cheating, but there is a lot less of a target to the side of your eyes then there is above them).
This strategic approach not only minimizes your exposure but also maintains your offensive capability. By keeping your body behind cover while allowing just your gun to lead the way, you become a harder target for opponents to hit. Remember, in the game of paintball, the less your adversaries see of you, the better. So, next time you're crouched behind a bunker, opt for the side-peek maneuver and reduce your chances of getting smacked in the goggles by your opponents!